The Maryland Buy Local Challenge started today, July 23rd. Each year, it happens during the 3rd week in July. I wasn't prepared as I hoped I would be- that, combined with the circumstances of the morning, meant my very first meal of the week was a failure by my standards. The challenge wants to see people incorporate one local food item into their diet each day. I've decided to see if I can make each meal of the day use one local ingredient.
So my challenge began with lunch: I ate a few pieces of musk melon (what we Americans wrongly call cantaloupe) bought from the Burton Family Farm, who sets up a produce stand on my street each weekend in the Summer.

This provides a few days worth of food, and cost about $3.00. In addition to the melon, I was able to buy 2 ears of sweet corn and 5 large peaches- togehter costing just $4.99. I ate the melon with some granola I bought in bulk with my own container from MOM's Organic Market. It's made locally, but uses coconut- which is obviously not local to Maryland. The granola is priced at $3.49/lb. On my way to work, I had some yummy organic chocolate milk from a local farm in Rockville, MD. It's the MOM's brand, and the 16oz bottle cost around $1. Not a substantial amount of food, but as I mentioned, the day hadn't gone as planned.

For dinner, I ate a vegetarian "chicken" pita pocket, prepared by Suneen Health Foods in Pennsylvania. Whether or not the ingredients were local, I can't be certain. I grabbed the sandwich since I was on the run and I didn't have the time (or food in my pantry) to prepare a healthy, local lunch on my own before work. The sandwich was sold at- you guessed it, MOM's- and put me back just $2.99. For dessert, I took that same granola from lunch, and sprinkled it over vanilla bean ice cream (Breyer's, not local) and a chopped peach from the produce stand! Yum!

Today's menu was not at all as I planned. It was, however, with the exception of my breakfast, entirely local. Regionally speaking, that is. Immediately local is a bit more difficult to achieve. The important message I want to deliver is that buying local food is affordable, despite what many believe. These two meals totaled around $7.00. They were small, but still satisfying and healthy.
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