Today started off much better. I woke up early and went out to the market (MOM's, that is) to gather some of my local ingredients for the week. Here's what my grocery receipt looked like:
1 Tub Seven Stars Farm Vanilla Yogurt (Pennsylvania local)- $3.99
1 Dozen Nature's Yoke Large, vegetarian fed, free range eggs (PA Local)- $3.49
Spring Mill Bread Co. Honey Whole Wheat loaf (Maryland Local)- $4.95
2 Bagels (MD local)- $1.38
1 Salazon Chocolate Company dark chocolate bar (MD Local)- $2.99
1 block chedder from Bowling Green Farm (MD Local)- $5.71
1 package La Pasta ravioli (MD Local)- $5.19
1/2 Gallon Trickling Spring Milks (PA local)- $3.99
That's $31.69 and that gives me enough food for breakfast and lunch for every day this week, one meal for dinner, and some chocolate to snack on (the cocoa being . And I'll definitely have enough food to last me well into next week.
There are a few things I wish I could get local at MOM's. More yogurt would be nice, sliced cheese or cream cheese, and ice cream would be amazing. They do sell Moorenko's ice cream, but the flavors all seemed a bit too extreme for me, so I passed. When I got home, I found out a housemate had bought some of their ice cream. I tried it and it was great! Definitely will consider buying some next time.
P.S. The chocolate bar is almost gone! I bought dark chocolate because I can usually have just one small bite and be satisfied for the day- but it is soooo good! Dark chocolate with sea salt! Mmmmm! Oh and I bought some Biggs & Featherbelle Handle Bar Soap (pictured with the bounty, 4.49- it's a Baltimore company!)
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