The challenge is extending to span two weekends, and thus 9 days total. Yesterday, the 7th day, I started off with a local peach on top of peach greek yogurt.

As a pick-me-up, I bought a mocha latte from
Atwater's. Like the many others that I've pointed this week, here's yet another obvious local food oxymoron: coffee can not be local. The shop, however, is local; Atwater's makes their own breads and foods using local ingredients. In addition, the latte was
counter culture coffee. Counter Culture Coffee ensures that the coffee beans used in creating your drink were sustainably sourced. I don't drink much coffee, so I don't have much to say about Counter Culture and Atwater's. Prior to today's experience, most of the coffee I drank was made at home, using
Baltimore Coffee and Tea blends and beans. Baltimore Coffee and Tea is another local seller of coffee products and offers Fair Trade coffees.

For lunch I ate yogurt with blackberries again, with granola on top. And I had some cereal to snack on.

I left for the beach after work, so I snacked on the way down. I ate a walnut brownie that I bought from Atwater's earlier. When I got to the beach I ate some musk melon and some almonds.
Eating at the beach may be a bit more difficult than I expected, but I brought some food with me. I have local yogurt left- which I used to make a smoothie this morning-

- and local eggs- which were used to make the pancake I ate this morning.

For lunch, we ate at a local pizzeria, and for dinner, my aunt made spaghetti. I don't think much or any of that meal was local. But it was family made, and delicious!

I couldn't get any local milk at the store down here, so I just bought organic. Tomorrow morning I'm walking with my grandfather down to the local farmers market, so I'll get some good stuff.
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